Best Advice I’ve Had All Week

Cecile Pineda
5 min readAug 31, 2020


Bracketing my life is a super irony, one I’d as likely exchange for another: involvement with the U.S. polls. My father, who could not vote, exploited me and my teddy bear of the moment at the U.S. polls where he made me stand with him just past the line where “electioneering” was banned (and presidents didn’t order more trashing of high speed mail sorters to get elected) and insisted my teddy bear wear a sign: “Win with Wilkie.” I was 8 years old.

This week, I have continued writing post cards to reluctant or intimidated voters urging them to vote early “to avoid long lines on Election Day.” I’m on my 4th batch of 100. So far, nationwide, some 15,000,000 post cards have already made their way, thanks to our relentlessly hard working post people, to swing states.

Distilling what’s important in the space of a post card is never easy. For the sake of cutting to the chase, I want to share with all my readers what’s quintessential. It goes like this:

Make sure your vote gets counted either by dropping off your completed ballot in a secure, dedicated postal drop box, or walking it in to your appropriate city offices. That’s it, folks. That’s the strategy for avoiding any interference, no matter how “presidential” with a U.S. election. That way you bypass mailing altogether. It’s the only way you can insure your vote gets counted.

Here’s this week’s ask: please forward this advice to every single one of the people of good faith on your list. You can do that simply by copy/pasting the above paragraph, or if you prefer, forwarding this entire newsletter, which you can do easily by clicking where it says “click to read this newsletter on your browser” which will cause the link to come up, and copy pasting that link in your message. Please do that. We are voting for our lives.

At stake: The planet. This administration has rolled back countless environmental protections, including drilling for oil in the pristine Alaskan National Wildlife refuge. As a result we are seeing a surge in abnormal weather events: a trashed Gulf Coast, hundreds of thousands, many already dispossessed with their furniture piled up in the streets, challenged with untold suffering, floods in Yemen and Ohio wiping out 40% of the corn crop, fires in Brazil and California trashing an area vast as the Grand Canyon, and migrations world wide by people starving, fleeing land too parched for farming, drowning as they attempt the Mediterranean, or children separated at the border as their families attempt entry into the Disunited States.

Social security: Suspending the FISA (payroll tax) guarantees that Social Security will be bankrupt in three years. The billions of wages that we have earned over a lifetime of work (my own work history stretches 74 years) will simply vanish.

Remaining shreds of Democracy: Unless we boycott the, corporations such as Starbucks, Verizon, AT&T, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Delta Airlines, Chevron, DTE Energy, and UPS will still fund Police Terror Foundations. And, no matter how much we protest them, Presidents will still be able to initiate wars under false pretenses to their heart’s content, except now the war comes home to roost.


READ 12 Things You can do, then LEAP into action.

DONATE to save the Post Office.

DEMAND a new eviction moratorium.

RESTORE the Voting Right Act.

INSIST the Senate vote on emergency funding for the Post Office.


Germany begins a universal-basic-income trial for three years.

After 2-year-long struggle in German courts, Humboldt 3 claim victory after exoneration for their opposition to Israel apartheid.

UN report recognizes human rights violations in Bolivia.

Are we there yet: Courts worldwide rule that so-called gig economy (actually day labor) is road to serfdom.

UK stages 40 protests on #StopArmingIsrael day of action.

Why can’t we: Enormous masses cheer as protests force out government in Mali.

NATO lobby acknowledges Belarus color revolution failed as workers and communists unite behind Lukashenko.

This is what Democracy looks like: Not a single person was detained by police in last Sunday’s anti-Lukashenko demo.

More than 600 groups representing more than half US Jewish population sign full-page NYT ad stating #BlackLivesMatter.

25 AGs, including Becerra, sue #45 council over ‘reckless and unprecedented’ gutting of CEQ bedrock U.S. environmental law.

Fast moving: In one such case, Judge Stanley Bastian of US district Court for Eastern District of Washington ordered #45 administration and USPS to cough up documentation about mail slowdown sabotage within 10 days.

Supremes rule #45 must cough up his tax returns.

“Trump failed, 180,000 died”: Protesters surround White House as #45 delivers lies at RNC nomination speech.

Following RNC convention, citing alarming disregard for the law, House committee launches contempt proceeding against Pompeo.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics(!) in Washington announce two legal victories, one, denial of #45’s request to rehear emoluments case, the other, a determination by the DC court of appeals that the Federal Election Commissions’ failed to comply with the law. when it failed to disclose donor bundling in PAC advertisements.

Dow boots Exxon Mobil from blue chip club in stunning ‘out with energy and in with cloud’ shakeup.

Foiled again: facial recognition designed to detect around face masks fails, study finds..

Under Portland’s POC-led Clean Energy Fund, large corporations contribute 1 % of gross revenue to support local clean energy, efficiency, and climate justice.

New Yorkers demand Gov.. Cuomo tax the rich in support of a green new deal.

More than 700 medical and scientific experts confront FCC for ignoring

environmental and health risks.

Doctors decry so-called ‘less lethal’ police munitions such as bean bag rounds, which result in bleeding in the brain and skull fractures.

Smell the coffee: several former Repugnican lawmakers announced they were endorsing Joe Biden.

Progressive group projects photos of jobless workers on hotel near the RNC.

Cooperative forms of organization proliferate in UK in response to t he pandemic.

Vets confront Rep. Joaquin Castro and push him to sign End the Forever War Pledge.

Following police killings of Trayford Pellerin, 31, and police assault of Jacob Blake, both Lafayette, NO and Kenosha, WI erupt in rebellion.

Major people’s victory: NBA players strike prodding ownership wins use of stadiums for polling stations in real change for voting rights,

Some things are bigger than basketball: Milwaukee Bucks stop playoff game to protest police shooting of Jacob Blake.

Following police shooting of Jacob Blake, pro-athlete strike grows as Milwaukee Bucks call on WI state legislature to take action.

Following the police shooting of Jacob Blake, Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law calls for U.S. department of Justice hate crime investigation.

Advocates sue ICE for blocking immigrant detainees from being able to phone their attorneys.

44 years of free labor: Ronnie Long unlawfully convicted of rape by all-white jury freed after 44 years in prison.

Court orders #45 administration to recognize US citizenship of child born to married same-sex parents.

Federal Court again side with trans student in bathroom case.

People’s lives above profits: More than 65 advocacy groups demand Home Depot and Lowe’s take cancer-causing Roundup off their shelves.

Houseless resist second eviction effort in Philadelphia, city of brotherly love.

US outbreaks of COVID peaked in August to decline to its present June 22 levels.

Teachers organize as COVID outbreaks at schools concealed.

Rows of chairs on White House lawn, besides offering conventioneers a super spreader event, are pop-up Arlington for one single day of #45’s COVID neglect victims.

Enough is enough: Black families purchase land to build their own city.


