Bibi’s “peace deal” is a blueprint for America’s apartheid

Cecile Pineda
7 min readFeb 2, 2020


The US press has it wrong: The Trump’/Kushner peace deal is not so much Israel’s apartheid blueprint; it’s the other way round. Here in the U.S., brainwashed by the corporate state organ press, we still imagine Israel to be our colony. The reverse is the case: the U.S. is a colony of Israel.

The deal was in place long before 9/11.

Gaza City under 2017 Israeli bombardment

It’s even hypothesized that that trillion or so still unaccounted for at the Pentagon (the books were kept in the Pentagon section that sustained all that unfortunate damage from an airplane crashing into it without burning up the outside lawn) went directly to Israel to defend itself against the bad reputation it’s getting for shooting to blind, kneecap, or kill all those uppity Palestinians who still think that Palestine belongs to them.

I used to suspect (silly me) that Israel was blackmailing the US over 9/11 because it knew too much (like why Building 7 collapsed even though no plane managed to hit it) but lately I have come to understand that a luxury mansion in New York’s East 70s with hidden cameras in every room, fueled by the Lolita Express, are much more powerful forms of blackmail than an insignificant event like 9/11 ever could be, because boys just love their toys, especially when they are underage and nubile, and two of those boys just happen to be Presidents of the U.S. (Other world figures like Prince Andrew rate fewer points.)

Anatomy of a peace deal

But why dwell on the camouflage of scandal? Such distraction obscures the more important facts such as:

•The so-called peace plan was cobbled together by Jared Kushner without any consultation with Abbas, or any Palestinian input.

•It conveniently puts an end to the International Criminal Court’s investigation into alleged war crimes committed against Palestinians in the Occupied Territories.

•The Palestinians will be granted limited autonomy within a Palestinian homeland that consists of multiple non-contiguous enclaves scattered throughout the West Bank and Gaza, which have been compared to the apartheid South African system of Bantustans.

What Palestinians think of Bibi ‘s peace

•The government of Israel will retain security control over the Palestinian enclaves and will continue to control Palestinian borders, immigration, security, airspace, aquifers, maritime waters, and the electromagnetic spectrum.

•Israel will be allowed to annex vast stretches of the Palestinian West Bank (which has been under Israeli military occupation since 1967) into Israel, including all of the illegal Jewish-only settlements in areas colonized by Israeli settlers as well as Arab East Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley.

•The Palestinians will be allowed to select the leaders of their new homeland but will have no political rights in Israel, the state that actually rules over them.

Meanwhile back at the (colonized) ranch:

At the same time, the Israeli-owned corporation, Elbit Systems , a defense contractor, has been hired by the U.S. government to turn the Tohono O’odham reservation (4,460 square miles) into a total surveillance prison camp. They tout their products are “field proven” on Palestinian people.

And municipal police of countless American Cities, among them D.C., go to Israel for “law enforcement” training, or Israel sends their “law enforcement” IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) experts, whose skills-to-kill have been honed in the practice shooting ranges of Gaza and the West Bank, to the U.S. to train them in population control.

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Another word from your editor: We have entered the everything’s up for grabs no-exit zone where the “Commander in Chief’ can do as he likes, because full fascism is for the benefit of your country, like it or not.

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