Some Good News This Week
U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson of Hawaii blocks the latest version of the Trump administration’s travel ban (Moslem Ban 2.0), saying it likely violates First Amendment protections.
Maryland Federal judge echoes Hawaii decision. But, according to Rob Hunter, writing in the Guardian UK, “the fate of the new ban will be decided in the streets, not the courts. So don’t assume that judges can do the heavy lifting for us.” The struggle is up to us.
California joined Washington and other states challenging the latest travel ban.
San Francisco Board of Supervisors votes to support DAPL divestment efforts, paving the way for San Francisco to become the first city to actually withdraw funds from companies financing the pipeline.
Other cities having passed similar legislation include Seattle, Alameda, Santa Monica and Davis.
Sami (Laplanders) indigenous people of Norway persuade second largest pension fund to divest from companies linked to building the DAPL.
Storebrand, a Norwegian investment manager divests $35 million from firms tied to DAPL.
Head of UN West Asia’s commission, Rima Khalaf resigns after pressure from the secretary general to withdraw a report accusing Israel of imposing an apartheid regime on Palestinians.
Marissa Alexander freed at last after two years of having to pay for her own ankle monitor.
Families of Yuvette Henderson and Kayla Moore have the right to a jury trial to bring justice for both women assassinated by law enforcement.
If South Korea Can Force a President Out…
Facebook Forbids Police from using its data for surveillance.
San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors rejects Phillips 66 proposed oil-train offloading terminal.
Bechtel Corporation pulls out of mini-nuclear development.
Quote of the week:
Instead of foreign policy, we have a sports league kicking the globe around for power and glory and people rooting for their team rather than examining the events in play.
— Judith Bello
Ready for the April 29 Nationwide Climate Action
“I think one of the best things that we can do is look into economic conversion of the defense industry into green industries, working on sustainable and renewable forms of energy and/or connecting with indigenous people who are trying to reclaim their lands from the pollution of the military industrial complex. The best thing to do would be to start on a very local level to reclaim a planet healthy for life.” — Cindy Sheehan
Working with groups determined to participate in the April 29 climate mobilization and planning actions of their own, I offer this DRAFT of a flyer text which makes the connection between militarism with Climate Collapse (fits 8 1/2 X 11):
TO Fight Global Warming & Planetary degradation WE NEED PEACE
Fact 1: The U.S. Military is the greatest unreported polluter on the planet with uninhibited use of fossil fuels, massive creation of greenhouse gases, and extensive release of radioactive and chemical contaminants in the air, water, and soil.
Fact 2: While making war to control more oil, it is a top consumer of fossil fuels,
burning 340,000 barrels a day, 80 percent of the federal energy demand.
Fact 3: The US military has dumped corroding barrels of nuclear waste in the oceans, and chemical contaminants into the soils and water table.
Fact 4: Life on the planet cannot survive continued conventional war making, let alone nuclear war. U.S. wars have created sacrifice zones in the US and worldwide, contaminated by the use of depleted uranium, land mines and cluster bombs.
Fact 5: The U.S. military is an agent of environmental degradation with its destruction of 70 acres of a Guam world heritage site coral reef for a naval harbor.
Fact 6: With its use of sonar, the U.S. Navy is accountable for the deaths of whales and dolphins, all animals which depend on their own sonar for survival.
Fact 7: Instead of making more jobs available for marginalized people, militariz- ation reduces the number of jobs available in all other sectors, including teaching.
Fact 8: While profiting from its wars, the U.S. bankrupts other countries. The U.S. made $53 million on Gulf War I while costing 40 low & middle income countries 1 percent of the GDP, Yemen, 10 percent, and Jordan a whopping 25 percent.
Fact 8: Militarization is not good for kids, 33% of them live in poverty (that includes the US), while the US spends 60% of its budget on militarization.
Rosalie Bertell: Planet Earth
Peace Pays! Peace Pays! Peace Pays! Peace Pays!